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Selectmen's Minutes March 3, 1998
Minutes of March 3, 1998 Selectmen’s Meeting
Planning Session

Selectmen Present:  Chairman Charles Flynn (Arrived at 8:30p.m.), Judy Murdoch, Cathy Kuchinski, Daniel Webster, Peter Jones and Executive Secretary Joseph F. Nugent.

I.      Vice Chair Peter Jones called the meeting to order at 7:45p.m. (Charles Flynn is expected to arrive shortly).  Nugent discussed evaluations.  There is a packet of evaluation forms for the Board to complete.  Charlie O’Donnell would like the evaluations of the Town Accountant and the Treasurer/Collector by next Monday.  The others should be completed some time this month.  

II.     Police Chief to discuss High Speed Pursuit Policy-   The Chief is requesting that the Board of Selectmen  accept this policy which follows State Policy and Guidelines.  This is a much needed update, the State is currently in the process of making some additions to this policy.  Motion by Murdoch to accept the High Speed Pursuit Policy, second by Webster.  4-0 Vote

III.    Police Chief to discuss Revolving Account - The Chief is requesting that the Selectmen vote to increase this account for the remainder of this fiscal year.  The Chief explained that many items are paid out of this account and there are many improvements that need to be made such as the bathroom work that needs to be done, septic repairs, computer wiring updates, locker room facility updates, training costs and vehicle maintenance.  The Board wanted to be sure that this increase is allowed and that the Town is not going over it’s limit.  Barbara Gomez, Town Accountant stated that to increase this account  for the rest of the year, all that is required is a vote of the Board of Selectmen and a vote of the Finance Committee.  Motion by Murdoch to increase the Police Revolving Account by $15,000 for this fiscal year, second by Kuchinski. 4-0 Vote.

IV.     Monponsett Area Stop Signs - Nugent addressed the request for Stop Signs in the Monponsett area.  The Board had sent this to the Police Chief for a recommendation.  The Police Chief, after a survey of the area, believes that Stop Signs are not necessarily needed but does recommend a Slow Intersection type of sign.  Kuchinski asked what the rationale is of using the Slow Intersection signs instead of Stop Signs.  Chief King explained that the four way stop signs can sometimes be more dangerous especially since there is point where five streets intersect.  Jones asked that Richard Harris come before the Board with a map showing the locations of the proposed signs.  

V.      Mutual Aid Agreement - Kuchinski asked the Police Chief whether or not he agrees with the Mutual Aid Agreement that had been sent by the Town of Hanover.  King replied that he will be sending a note recommending the Town agree with the Mutual Aid Agreement.

VI.     Staffing Issue- Jones feels at this time that it is too premature to vote on any of these issues.  Murdoch suggested that the Executive Secretary set up a matrix for the Board Members.  The Board agreed to use the meeting of April 7, 1998 to invite the Finance Committee and Cable TV in to discuss the staffing issues for the next fiscal year.

Murdoch had a question regarding the legal bill from Kopelman & Paige.  There was some discussion among the Board Members regarding the legal bills.  Jones suggested we get a legal update.  

V.      Executive Secretary re: intern-  Nugent mentioned the Intern that will be coming in for the summer.  There are a few areas he will be working on during his internship.  (1)  A brochure for the Town of Hanson (2) Personnel Files (3) day to day routines (4) Board Meetings.
Webster asked what the cost will be for the intern, Nugent answered that it would probably be about $10 per hour.

VI.     Roger McGovern, Golf Course Study Committee- McGovern was in attendance to discuss what the committee has achieved over the past year.  They have hired Golf Realty Advisors, they have found three sites they are interested in.  The Committee intends to have two Articles in for the Town Meeting one for a market appraisal and the second for a request for determination of applicability.  They expect to complete preliminary negotiations for the site.  In July they should have some firm information for the Board.  Nugent added that potentially this Proposed Municipal Golf Course could increase the Town’s Revenue.  This is a viable product for the Town to bring in revenue with no cost to the Town. There was some discussion over the benefits of the Golf Course.  Kuchinski added a note of caution to the Golf Course Study Committee.  She stated that the Committee was formed to establish the feasibility of a Municipal Golf Course.  Roger explained that to establish the feasibility of the Golf Course they would need some kind of non binding agreement stating that the current owner of the land they propose to use is willing to enter into agreement with the Town.  There was some discussion regarding this issue.  

VII.    Adjournment - Motion by Webster to adjourn, second by Murdoch.  Meeting adjourned at 9:20p.m.